Tucker is finally referring to the fraud in an oblique way in the first segment, but he also implied the incoming Biden administration was a done deal when he referred to the prospect of Dems winning the Senate races in GA as giving control of the entire federal government to the Democrats. I'm conflicted about this.
More virus stuff. Yeah, you can say it came from a lab now. New York Magazine says so.
Now to talk about the Dems voting to eliminate gendered language in Congress then using it later. This is where awomen comes from (not a typo, in case you're wondering). Tulsi Gabbard (or is it Tulsi Coward?) discusses.
Oh, and the Obesity is Beautiful and Healthy article by some far-left rag. No need to mention the rag's name. Dr. Siegel discusses the absurdity and how it relates to the virus and lockdowns.
Finally, UFOs. Yet another rider stuck into these Congressional pork packages.