The 2018 Syria bombing over chemical weapons. There were doubts raised about the allegations of chemical weapons usage on Syrian citizens by Assad at the time of the bombing, but now it turns out the OPCW was out to "get" Assad in their report claiming chemical weapons usage was detected.
Violence against Asians? Who's doing that? Right wingers?
Nope, most of them are being perpetrated by black people. Not the most likely bunch to be right-wingers.
Oh look, it's Yvette Felarca's good twin!
The 2018 Syria bombing over chemical weapons. There were doubts raised about the allegations of chemical weapons usage on Syrian citizens by Assad at the time of the bombing, but now it turns out the OPCW was out to "get" Assad in their report claiming chemical weapons usage was detected.
Oohkay! Whats new! Lies rule the day. Act accordingly
Syria?!?! Ooh! How they need a central bank!
What! Tucker is going to talk about False Flags? Tsk tsk! He is evolution’
My, what a night.