Hey folks, would you rather pay through the nose for an allegedly life-affirming healthcare system or have have a death-positive "free" but you pay through the nose through taxes anyway healthcare system?
Christine Gauthier, a veteran who was offered euthanaisa instead of the wheelchair lift she requested from Canada's V.A., here to discuss...
Today in Basic Training: The Genderbread worksheet, How to Get Comfortable with Seeing the Opposite Sex's Birthday Suit in the Showers. Is it any wonder why the U.S. military is poorly manned?
Charlie's suggestion to Kevin McCarthy: Promise across-the-board spending cuts, voting for funding on a per-agency basis only, and de-emphasizing aid to Ukraine.
And an admission from Ray Epps that he orchestrated the incident at the Capitol on January 6, 2021...
Finishing off with Kleenex Kinzinger's next career move: CNN Senior Political Analyst!
Hey folks, would you rather pay through the nose for an allegedly life-affirming healthcare system or have have a death-positive "free" but you pay through the nose through taxes anyway healthcare system?
Christine Gauthier, a veteran who was offered euthanaisa instead of the wheelchair lift she requested from Canada's V.A., here to discuss...
Today in Basic Training: The Genderbread worksheet, How to Get Comfortable with Seeing the Opposite Sex's Birthday Suit in the Showers. Is it any wonder why the U.S. military is poorly manned?
Manufactured Energy Crisis: Massive increases in energy prices on both hemispheres! Marc Morano here to discuss...
Lose your favorites or find their copies in the Internet's seedy corners and save hundreds more LOL
Does this mean the series will bring greenie and CAGW propaganda to FOX Nation?
Shop Teacher in Drag update: We need a formal dress code for school staff. Rishi Bandhu suggests applying the student dress code to faculty and staff.
Rishi sounds a lot like Jordan Peterson.
Quote of the night
Here's Charlie Hurt to discuss the hysteria and what the anti-McCarthy crowd are seeking...
Charlie's suggestion to Kevin McCarthy: Promise across-the-board spending cuts, voting for funding on a per-agency basis only, and de-emphasizing aid to Ukraine.
The lady in the background: What in the world did I get hired on to do this for?
Matt Taibbi here to comment on what the Twitter Censorship Files reveal about government-directed censorship of online speech...
Is "the whistleblower" in this case Eric CIA?
And more blaming everything inconvenient to TPTB on Russia...
RIP Pope Benedict XVI🙏
Starting off with the ongoing race to select the next leader of the House's alleged right-wing faction, featuring copious amounts of FUD...