Can I use that line to force my healthcare team to let me get a second opinion if/when that type of scenario comes up?
Oh, it's just bringing back Jim Crow-style segregation through the back door. Richard Bosshardt, plastic surgeon banned from the main surgeons' online forum, here to discuss...
Ken Rusk here to tell us how awesome blue collar work can be.
Suggestion: Visualize a good place to live, a good way to get around, any animals you might want to live with, what kind of spiritual life you might have, and what a good vacation might look like.
Positive news: A dog named Tofu was saved from drowning in the ocean. Chase McCaul, Tofu's rescuer, and Tofu herself here to tell the story! I've heard poodles can be a little too in love with the water for their own good...
Ah, it's really about bringing back WWII-era restrictions on speech after all! Oh, and here's The People's Colonel to explain how challenging a time Ukraine is having right now!
Comparing Kevin McCarthy (flawed man like us all) to an amoeba or paramecium? Is this hack going to get banned from social media for "dehumanizing language"?
Starting off with a Reaper drone in the Black Sea and the prospect of war with China and Russia at the same time. What would Reagan do? Stop an impending war by just talking sternly or send Donald Trump to do it! "Gorbachev, tear down this wall."
Now they're saying surgery is racist!
Can I use that line to force my healthcare team to let me get a second opinion if/when that type of scenario comes up?
Oh, it's just bringing back Jim Crow-style segregation through the back door. Richard Bosshardt, plastic surgeon banned from the main surgeons' online forum, here to discuss...
Ken Rusk here to tell us how awesome blue collar work can be.
Suggestion: Visualize a good place to live, a good way to get around, any animals you might want to live with, what kind of spiritual life you might have, and what a good vacation might look like.
Resident Biden: I was pro gay marriage in the 1960s! Since my teens! I saw two well-dressed men kissing!
Senator Biden: DOMA is settled law! Marriage is only between one man and one woman!
Maybe Vince Coglianese can explain...
Is Vince auditioning to be Mark Steyn 2.0 now that Mark's days are numbered?
Positive news: A dog named Tofu was saved from drowning in the ocean. Chase McCaul, Tofu's rescuer, and Tofu herself here to tell the story! I've heard poodles can be a little too in love with the water for their own good...
We have even more updates from the wide-open border, this time from the U.S. Border Patrol...
Now for the impending(?) collapse of Credit Suisse. David Sacks here to discuss...
Ah, it's really about bringing back WWII-era restrictions on speech after all! Oh, and here's The People's Colonel to explain how challenging a time Ukraine is having right now!
Comparing Kevin McCarthy (flawed man like us all) to an amoeba or paramecium? Is this hack going to get banned from social media for "dehumanizing language"?
Starting off with a Reaper drone in the Black Sea and the prospect of war with China and Russia at the same time. What would Reagan do? Stop an impending war by just talking sternly or send Donald Trump to do it! "Gorbachev, tear down this wall."