Live Thread
Live Thread Right on Time!
Just in time for the tail end of Mark Steyn's hour!
Banning new single family homes so Democrats can win elections more easily? Yikes! Pandas4Trump was onto something there!
Why is jobs growth off by a lot, but employers are having trouble finding workers? The federal unemplyment check bump is too dang high, duh. I've heard stories of people showing up to work just long enough to be eligible for the extra checks then quitting and claiming an unsafe workplace to qualify for the boosted checks. Some places have boosted pay for entry-level positions to over USD$20 per hour, among other tactics to be actually able to do business.
Why is everything costing so much more than it even a few months ago? Many reasons: supply chain disruptions caused by prior and ongoing CHICOM-19 restrictions, ever-increasing monetary inflation (ongoing for over a decade), and of course, stimulus checks and boosted unemployment checks giving lots of people extra money to spend. My suggestion for weathering whatever's to come: learn to farm, and prepare your soul for Heaven.
What do you mean, no major hospital or university has released a protocol for minimizing the need for hospitalization for people who test positive and/or present with symptoms of CHICOM-19? Multiple drugs have been approved for emergency use, multiple drugs have been used off-label with varying degrees of success, and even vitamin/mineral supplementation may be of use.
Now, the Stacy Abrams special: a staff member who can effect the same voice as the narrator for Spongebob Squarepants reads a few paragraphs from one of Stacy Abrams's romance smut - I mean - novels. Are your thighs hard yet?
Finally, the deets on Frank Luntz and roommate - I mean - tenant Kevin McCarthy. McCarthy's only renting a bedroom in the luxury apartment! Nothing amiss here! Sure...
We're starting with the anti-white race-baiters. Turns out the Denver shooting suspect wasn't white, but a light-skinned Syrian (Asian) immigrant. I'm surprised the lamestream media didn't pivot towards attacking the suspect's pale skin (and fellow light-skinned people, "white" or not) instead of his (apparent) race. Oops, did I give the leftists one too many ideas?
What will we have in store tonight?
Live Thread
It's Inauguration Day! Let's dunk on the Bidens and "white supremacy" to celebrate!
"It's strange to say, but this is the last [full] day of the Trump administration."
Starting off dunking on Biden under harsher lighting than usual...
Starting with the Capitol Hill incident and condemning political violence for the umpteenth time...
I was too preoccupied last night to make a thread. Dang, Brit Hume, I normally don't have a problem with him, but last night was not one of his better takes.
So Martha McCallum is moving to 3:00 P.M. Not that I care...
Trump Second Term Likelihood: Long Shot
Check out Dr. Shiva's election integrity lawsuits if you haven't already. His lawsuits actually prevailed.
Tucker loyalty status: Enemy of at Least Some of our Enemies
Opening with the media's TDS
Tucker is finally referring to the fraud in an oblique way in the first segment, but he also implied the incoming Biden administration was a done deal when he referred to the prospect of Dems winning the Senate races in GA as giving control of the entire federal government to the Democrats. I'm conflicted about this.
More virus stuff. Yeah, you can say it came from a lab now. New York Magazine says so.
Now to talk about the Dems voting to eliminate gendered language in Congress then using it later. This is where awomen comes from (not a typo, in case you're wondering). Tulsi Gabbard (or is it Tulsi Coward?) discusses.
Oh, and the Obesity is Beautiful and Healthy article by some far-left rag. No need to mention the rag's name. Dr. Siegel discusses the absurdity and how it relates to the virus and lockdowns.
Finally, UFOs. Yet another rider stuck into these Congressional pork packages.