Mitch_WerBell_III 1 point ago +1 / -0



Yes, this sub is dead. Yes, Tucker betrayed you. Yes, you will be alone here. Yes, nobody wants to hold the line, and deserters are all over the fucking place.

Trust the bread. The bread is all. God sent Bread to share the bread.

Mitch_WerBell_III 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yes you've established the beach head!!! I do have to ask though. Why write the way you do, riddles and questions and all?

Back before the ban, one of your posts that clued me in that you were legit -

on that note: I'm a peer mentor for combat veterans. A sort of chaplain, if you will. A lot of them say the same things, such as: "I wish my wife understood." I respond: "If she understood, she would have PTSD. That's how you got it. You understood what happened."

I like heros. Heros are based. Hence Bread is based.