TallestSkil 1 point ago +2 / -1

Gender is not synonymous with sex. Gender refers to linguistic terms. Sex refers to biology.

TallestSkil 3 points ago +3 / -0

can’t watch YouTube on its own website thanks to adblocker embed in all videos

can watch it perfecty in any embedded video on any other website

Great going, you fucking kikes. You shat up your own website so completely that no one has any reason not to use Invidious anymore.

TallestSkil 2 points ago +3 / -1

Oh yeah, that’ll show ‘em. How long before the UN bans strongly worded letters of mass destruction?

TallestSkil 2 points ago +3 / -1


TallestSkil 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why would the ZOG assassinate any of its puppets when they do everything asked of them?

TallestSkil -4 points ago +1 / -5

He's the only mainstream news guy I've ever heard talk about the White replacement

Yes, he says it’s literally okay. What’s your point?

TallestSkil -6 points ago +1 / -7

He loves queers and he hates whites. In what way is he “right-wing,” exactly?

TallestSkil -2 points ago +1 / -3
  1. Every candidate in every race at every level is owned by the same people.
  2. Every policy of any actual import remains in place no matter who is in office.
  3. It remains illegal to have an actual election.
  4. It remains illegal to follow the constitution as written.

That’s how “the left” wins every election. Anyone whining about audits or software or anything else is purposely wasting your time and misdirecting you.

TallestSkil 0 points ago +2 / -2

So either fuck off to another website and worship your Zionist neoconservative civic nationalist egalitarian feminist Keynesian milquetoast there…

Or grow the fuck up and learn how to defend your own beliefs. Because you sure as shit can’t prove us wrong.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +3 / -2

He got nothing done, though. Literally nothing. Zero deportations. Zero government arrests. Zero laws undone. Expansion of gun restrictions. Everything he did was for Israel alone.

TallestSkil 4 points ago +5 / -1

He should have invoked the Communist Control Act and arrested everyone in the media, academia, and Congress for their treason.

TallestSkil 0 points ago +2 / -2

Do you censor political speech here also?

Only the kind that goes against the narrative they’re trying to craft.

TallestSkil 0 points ago +2 / -2

Then fuck off and never come back, subhuman. You have no right to be here and we have no obligation to entertain you.

TallestSkil -6 points ago +1 / -7

Why would Tucker “anyone who denies the holocaust or claims white genocide is happening is mentally ill” Carlson, a man paid by jews to read jew-written scripts on jewish television, give a single flying fuck about that?

nobody is more reasonable

I am.


I am.

and fair

I am.

his arguments cannot be refuted

The holocaust did not happen. He is objectively wrong about everything he says.

we desperately need someone

No one is coming to save you.

Either fight for yourself or you deserve to die.